Inter-Being Last Inter-Being of the season: join on Friday 26th! Dear friends, As we shared recently, the Inner Transition Circle is going through deep transformation. This Friday we'll be offering the last Inter-Being Deep Listening Circles of the season – no worries, our offerings will keep arriving! 🪷INTER-BEING Deep Listening Circles Friday 26 July · 11:00 am Universal Time
Inspirational readings Transition, mycelium, and interbeing Today, I felt drawn to a question. I yearned for some clarity, connecting threads and ideas to make sense of the whole. I wanted to reflect on the fact that the Transition Movement is sometimes described as a ‘mycelial network’. I wondered why one of the characteristics of the movement
Gatherings Connecting and Transforming Culture through Inter-beingness This is the heavy burden that many of us carry underneath the goodwill and good company that we share as activists. It can feel very lonely...
Gatherings Inter-Beingness virtual circles Many of us have a longing for sustained inner peace, harmony, and equilibrium between being and becoming, stillness and doing, silence and sound, heart and mind