The Community

It is said that every transition begins with an ending and ends with a beginning. We are death doulas of a world coming to an end, we are midwives of a new world already being born. Which one? We don’t know yet , as we build it every day with our own thoughts, feelings, words and actions, with our way of Being, with our Presence in the planet and its ripple waves. A new human culture emerging from the unknown.
We are part of the community of alchemists who embrace the present moment and live from the courage of love and compassion, who cooperate instead of fighting against each other, who are capable to see the trauma behind the damaging actions of domination, colonization and power-on-top way of relating. Who see the child inside the adult, who trust deeply in Mother Earth and all its creatures and feel the connections and interdependencies with the human and non-human world in our own bodies.
An open doorway to the cultural shift starts from within. That’s why we focus on the Inner Transition, in a loving community who supports and cares for each other with resources, gatherings and events, sharing our thoughts and experiences, our grief and safely holding sacred collective presence to build personal and community resilience and Be truly ourSelves in these exceptional planetary transformational moments for humankind and life on Earth.
Are you ready to join? You have a place here, you are welcome. And your Spirit, your body, your skin colour, your inner realm, your desires, your fears, your grievances, your hopes, your beliefs, your history, ancestors, new generations, all that needed to happen for you to arrive here and read these words… Thank you for Being.

The Community of Presence and Practice
The Inner Transition Community of Presence and Practice (CoPP) is a community of people aware of the challenging moments Life on Earth is facing and willing to transform individually and collectively the way of being towards a human Culture of Care.
It is weaved by beings connected to the Inner Transition realms (or topics) and other regenerative movements and welcome to anybody willing to explore and take part.
The main connection space of the CoPP is the Transition Movement virtual platform. There we share news on upcoming gatherings, stories, experiences from our events, resources, thoughts and feelings…

If you would like to connect, learn and share please join us by clicking here:

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