Last Inter-Being of the season: join on Friday 26th!

Last Inter-Being of the season: join on Friday 26th!
Photo by Bady Abbas / Unsplash

Dear friends,
As we shared recently, the Inner Transition Circle is going through deep transformation.

This Friday we'll be offering the last Inter-Being Deep Listening Circles of the season – no worries, our offerings will keep arriving!

INTER-BEING Deep Listening Circles
Friday 26 July · 11:00 am Universal Time Coordinated
In Portuguese and English.

We'll take a regenerative break during August and then will come back in September with some exciting news.

Inter-Being spaces have been alive during almost 2 years now, and around 150 human Beings have benefited directly of the practices and social technologies offered in this space by members of the Inter-Being Peer to Peer Community of Practice, to whom we're deeply grateful.

We've experimented with the power of presence, the magic of Deep listening, the peace of meditation in group, the alchemy of Tonglen, and the ripple waves of transformation through community.

Check the details about Inter-Being sessions here:

Inter-Being is a Deep listening virtual space where all kinds of Life Caring activists from around mother Earth gather to be nourished in an international community.

Check the details about Inter-Being here

Inner Transition Community of Presence and Practice

Remember that there's a community space waiting for you to keep the connection alive.

Join the Inner Community if you haven't already and it feels in your healthy flow.

You'll find like-spirited beings to share and find resources, inspiration, and the community events calendar to never miss a date.

Even more curious?

Here you find a selection of articles about Inter-Being, where Eva, Andrea and Philipp shared why have we been offering Inter-Being and how it makes us feel:

Connecting and Transforming Culture through Inter-beingness
This is the heavy burden that many of us carry underneath the goodwill and good company that we share as activists. It can feel very lonely…
Inter-Beingness virtual circles
Many of us have a longing for sustained inner peace, harmony, and equilibrium between being and becoming, stillness and doing, silence and sound, heart and mind
Transition, mycelium, and interbeing
Today, I felt drawn to a question. I yearned for some clarity, connecting threads and ideas to make sense of the whole. I wanted to reflect on the fact that the Transition Movement is sometimes described as a ‘mycelial network’. I wondered why one of the characteristics of the movement

Support the transformations!

If Inter-Being has felt valuable to you during these years, we invite you to support our work financially. All amounts and loving intentions are welcomed.

Click here to donate to support the Inter-Being Community of Practice. You'll be redirected to Open Collective for this

See you on Friday!

In deep gratitude,
Inner Transition Circle team

Part of the Transition movement