Peacebuilding and Practising Transition. Webinar recording available

Peacebuilding and Practising Transition. Webinar recording available

Peacebuilding and Practising Transition was the fifth webinar part of the Conflict Resilience Series, a series highlighting some fantastic resources on the benefits of addressing and re-framing conflict to maintain effective groups.

During this session, we exchanged insights on how the Peace Principles can benefit both individuals and groups, shared top tips and common pitfalls to avoid when introducing new practices to your group and discuss strategies for enhancing resilience and well-being and explored specific practices that can foster a more resilient group culture.


Our guest: Root Cuthbertson

Root designs experiential opportunities for learning by creating strong containers for the graceful facilitation of group energy.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Education, and certificates in Sustainable Curriculum Design, Participatory Facilitation, and Ecopsychology. He has co-led short courses on regenerative cultures and cultural mentoring for Schumacher CollegeFindhorn College the ALT program in Thailand, and is a certified trainer in Gaia Education eco-social design.  

With his wife Deborah Benham, he has delivered trainings on SociocracyDesigning for Peace, Positive Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship, and Culture Repair. He is part of several teams offering weekend programs introducing 8 Shields, and the 8 Shields Institute online courses: “Introduction to Regenerative Community Building,” and "Pathways to Village Building."

With Jon Young and Deborah, he is co-authoring a book on regenerative community design. Former Training Coordinator for Transition Network, accompanying an international community of practice to offer learning opportunities and skillshares for facilitating community engagement. 

He is the co-author and curator of Transition collections on Personal ResilienceConflict Resilience, Group Culture, and Social Justice. 

With his ear to the ground, Root’s guiding question is: “What is most needed here now?”

The art~ist

Inspired by the TN Conflict Resilience Resources, Brenna Quinlan (South-West Australia) is the artist who created this art piece:

Conflict Resilience: art piece, resources and interview to Brenna Quinlan
Brenna Quinlan is the artist who created this beautiful art piece around the Conflict Resilience Resources curated by the Transition Network team during all these past years. 📙Check HERE the Transition Network Conflict Resilience Resources The image Brenna created and the Conflict Resilience Resources are connected to the Conflict Resilience

Gift economy webinar

Conflict is a hot topic and we want everybody to be able to access these spaces.
Also, please consider making a one-time donation according to your possibilities to honour and support our work, helping make it sustainable.

Part of the Transition movement