A new inner adventure begins!

A candle hold by hands in the dark
Photo by Prateek Gautam / Unsplash

Dear Inner Transition community,

In these polarized times where darkness shouts out loud and light shines like candles all around the world, we feel more commited than ever to work towards the cultural transformation we're all part of.

That's why we've been working on the new Inner Transition Circle website!

The ITC website

The ITC website homepage surrounded by a couple of curious hummingbirds and a bee
The ITC website homepage

There you'll find:

This is a starting point to keep building together.

Translations are imperfect. We are moving forward and any feedback is super welcome.

If you'd like to see some specific resource or event added to the page, please contact us!

The ITC Newsletter(s)

We've also been setting up two free newsletters.
You can choose one or both by clicking the button "Subscribe" at the homepage.

šŸ’Ž Weekly Inner Transition gems: Receive weekly content to stay tunned with Inner: relevant articles, podcasts, guided meditations, practical resources to implement in your daily life...

šŸ’Œ Monthly Inner Newsletter: Don't miss events invitations or featured resources from the community!

Newsletter options screenshot
Newsletter options screenshot

If you already subscribed to our newsletter some time ago (via Mailchimp), you are already subscribed by default to these two.

If you'd like to change the preferences just click on the "Subscribe" button at the homepage and choose what feels best for you to reset the subscription.

Any questions? Please feel free to reach out!

New Social Media spaces

Besides the Inner Transition Community of Presence and Practice, we are experimenting with Social Media in our wish to connect with more Beings.

Connect with us and help us spread Inner around via
* Facebook
* Instagram
* LinkedIn

And of course, share all this information with friends, colleagues, your community... and the world.

Stay tunned, we'll be sending some invitations really soon!

Enjoy the full Moon vibes, dear community.

Sending courage and love.

Esther, on behalf of Inner Transition Circle.

Part of the Transition movement