June Inner Newsletter

June Inner Newsletter

Dear Inner Transition community,

Happy Solstice to all! May this threshold bring deep transformation to where is most needed.

We're about to share big news with you all. Might need to wait a month or two, but it'll be worth it. Changes are coming...

In this month's e-news you will find:

  • Inter-Being Deep Listening Circles invitation (June 27th)
  • Conflict Resilience webinar invitation (July 9th)
  • Resources: Inner-related Transition practices
  • Team sharings
  • Connection and support options

Inter-Being Deep Listening Circles

Join us to experiment with presence and Deep listening in community. You'll find a calm space to nourish and cultivate resilience together, generating ripple waves of collective heart-led cultural transformation.

This month of June, Inter-Being is taking place on Thursday 27th at 5 pm Universal Time Coordinated.

Please note that this is a different timing than the regular one we've been hosting this events. We're experimenting with different times and days to answer your requests.

Check here your local time in advance and make sure to join on time, as we'll close doors at hh:05 to preserve intimacy.

Hosted in several languages, this time Spanish, German and English.

If you'd like to know more about Inter-Being, which structure do we usually follow and how did previous participants feel, please check the link box below:

Inter-Being is a Deep listening virtual space where all kinds of Life Caring activists from around mother Earth gather to be nourished in an international community.

Conflict Resilience Webinars

The fifth (and probably the last) Conflict Resilience Webinar is taking place on July 9th at 15:00 - 17:00 h British Standard Time (BST).
Check here your local time in advance.

Root Cuthbertson will be our guest this time. The details of the session's content will be published very soon on our website.

The Conflict Resilience Series
Welcome to a series of free webinars where we take a look at the conflicts we experience from a wide range of different perspectives. Date Time Guests Webinar topic March 14th 2024 12:30-14:00 UTC Sophy Banks, Dita B Vizoso and Theresa Fend Designing for Health: An Introduction to

As you may already know, we've been participating in the Practising Transition campaign.

We took part in several sessions of the Day of Transition Practise in April this year:

A great day of Transition Practise
A roundup of all the great sessions. Check out the recordings of the Day of Transition Practise.

And also, we've been contributing in different ways regularly. Here are some of the practises we submitted and shared with you all. Webinar recordings and resources are available, check them out!

Deep Colonisation Recovery Circles
What can we do about the injustice and trauma in our society and communities? Here we explore the potential of Deep Colonisation Recovery Circles, a way to explore and begin to heal together.
Offering and receiving feedback
Feedback is important to our relationships and a common aspect of resilience. Improving our ability to offer and receive feedback can be transformative for us personally and for the groups we are a part of.
Deep Listening
Deep listening is a quality of presence, a clear intention of the mind and an opening of our hearts.

Team sharings

Eva shares a Self Care Resource (4-pages pdf) by JASS, Furia and Raising Voices. Good stuff! Check it here.
Anahí is excited because of the Day of Wisdom Dialogue, organised by Atman Way, happening on June 24th. Details here.
Zaida was involved in a city blessing ritual in Brasil.
Andrea is back from the peruvian forests, supporting the Tribal Wisdom project. If you're curious, check the website here.
Esther has been connecting with her family to bring support and health to loved ones.

A beautiful 10-min jewel, by "Reflections of Life" - shared by Esther in the Inner Transition Community of Presence and Practice. Enjoy!

Let's keep connected and support each other!

See you and read each other at the Inner Community of Presence and Practice virtual platform, as well as in social media if that feels in your healthy flow.

It would mean a lot to us if you could...

  • Share this newsletter or the ITC website
  • Send some resource you'd like to appear in the website
  • Submit your Inner event to appear in the website and coming up newsletters
  • Give constructive feedback
  • Donate or help us find funds

Let us know how this newsletter felt and if it was of value to you.
All constructive feedback is welcome!

In togetherness,

Inner Transition Circle team

Part of the Transition movement