Coming events: reconnecting with Nature, collective healing and celebrating community
Cultural Transformation Circle gatherings celebrate Solstice, Equinox and New & Full Moons to Reconnect with Nature, honour Community Life and support the Collective Healing

Dear Transition Network international friends, Transition hubs, local groups, Transition values aligned organizations, Sacred Activists and other friends,
Greetings from the Cultural Transformation Circle (CTC)!
We warmly invite you to join efforts and joy towards the following intentions through the coming months (October 2024 - April 2025). CTC will be supporting any action you are already doing in your local communities and territories, and encouraging you to activate more spaces towards these 3 principles:
- Reconnecting with Nature
- Collective Healing
- Celebrating Community Life
From the international scale we are celebrating one of these principles monthly, inviting you to gather to collect inspiration and nourish our relationships, to go back to the ground and keep activating in your languages and unique culture's way of celebrating these principles.
CTC gatherings will celebrate Solstice, Equinox and New & Full Moons in the following dates:
Register to the events and help us spread the voice!
These sessions will be held in English on a regular basis, but caring for Language Justice, we would be happy to connect and find ways to support you to activate in your community languages. At the moment we are able to offer Portuguese, Spanish, English and German on request with Zoom break-out rooms.
Please let us know if you would like to offer some of our events in your community via email:
New Moon & Full Moon Celebrations
The Moon cycles have been celebrated for time immemorial. They are an archetypal human ceremony, celebrated in different (or similar) ways through the history of territories, traditions, cultures and times.
You may well have sometimes felt how the New or Full Moon affects your emotions, body or energy, and probably our groups' dynamics, too. She affects the Ocean tides and the growing of our hair and the seeds. So many different traditions work aligned with Her to empower their decisions and actions.
The Moon has witnessed the depth of Human love and pain, and all the rainbow of feelings and emotions in between. Poets, artists, mystics, activists, scientists, intellectuals and probably every human being had shared intimately with Her more than once.

How are you celebrating and/or honouring the Moon?
How are you and your community celebrating your Moon cycles?
Day & Night, Summer & Winter, Hot & Cold, In & Out, Life & Death... are natural cycles of Life, working similarly in the micro and macrocosms. Life flows in patterns.
NEW MOON energy:
The new moon is also known as the Dark Night, when everything is still… no movement… no sound. The emptiness which held all potential, all the possibilities are being incubated, in silence, ready to explode into Life when the proper time comes.
This is the moment to LET GO the old, giving space for the NEW to BE BORN!!
Sometimes GRIEVING the old is needed to be able to totally let go. Rituals to grieve together our human pain, frustration and loss are so important nowadays.
The New Moon is a perfect moment to call for our Collective Healing.
Whatever your personal and community moment is, if you are watering the new and/or letting go of your old histories and habits, be very welcome to join us in our Transition global scale New Moon Celebrations.
Save the dates:
- Thursday October 3rd, 17:00 to 18:30 UTC.
- Thursday February 27th, 17:00 to 18:30 UTC. Check your local time here
FULL MOON energy:
Expansive and Celebratory moments of Community Life!!
Times to Celebrate Love (commitments), Project success, Personal achievements celebrated by the Community, Funds received, etc…
The full moon is a time of peak illumination, symbolizing completeness and clarity. It is a potent period when the moon aligns directly opposite the sun, creating a sense of harmony and balance in the universe. As the moon reaches its fullest potential, its energy intensifies, and so does ours. Our emotions may amplify, and our desires become clearer. This heightened energetic state opens up a window of opportunity for us to manifest our deepest intentions and aspirations.
Save the dates:
- Thursday November 14th, 17 to 18:30 UTC. Check your local time here
- Thursday January 16th, 17 to 18:30 UTC. Check your local time here
Experience the Power of Community!
Help us spread the voice:
The cycles of Nature have been celebrated down the ages. They are archetypal human ceremonies, celebrated in different (or similar) ways through the history of many territories, traditions, cultures and times.
We believe in the Power of Rituals. As a global scale movement our Solstice & Equinox gatherings will have friends from the South and the North together, the East and the West. This is why we will be CELEBRATING LIFE, we are celebrating that we RECONNECTED with NATURE's cycles!!
Lightening the fire in the center, opening with a song and/or a prayer, and jumping into a Council Way Ceremony: 4-times a year Transition Global Community sits in circle to share our stories, in deep silence and mutual respect, sharing our histories and listening, learning, celebrating and creating together this new world, this new human culture that finds itself in its birth channel.
Save the date:
- Saturday December 21st, 15 to 16:30 UTC. Check your time zone here
- Saturday March 22nd, 15 to 16:30 UTC. Check your time zone here
Help us spread the voice:
Support us
We are able to offer these events for free thanks to our generous donors. If you value the work we do and would like to support the amazing communities implementing Transition in their communities and transforming the world, please consider making a donation.