Challenging behaviors: when is it wise and healthy to set up boundaries?

Challenging behaviors: when is it wise and healthy to set up boundaries?

Ena Sutherland is the artist who created this digital art around "Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors". Ena were inspired by these articles, written by Diana Leafe Christian.

The image Ena created and the articles are connected to the Conflict Resilience Series and the upcoming webinar with Diana Leafe Christian:

Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors in Member-Led Activist Groups. Webinar with Diana Leafe Christian on June 14th
Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviors in Member-Led Activist Groups is the fourth webinar part of the Conflict Resilience Series, a series highlighting some fantastic resources on the benefits of addressing and re-framing conflict to maintain effective groups. 📆Friday June 14th, 2024 · 15:00 - 17:00 h Universal Time

Interview to Ena Sutherland, by Eva Schonveld

Where are you based (and, if you like), where were you born - and what do you like best about either (or both)?

I am from Edinburgh and I love all of the old architecture we have here, The Hub at the top of the Royal Mile is a personal favourite building of mine.

What made you first think you'd like to be an artist?

I have loved drawing ever since I was old enough to pick up a pencil, it’s simply always been my passion!

Do you think the arts have a role in social activism - and if so, what are they best at?

I think the arts play an important role in social activism as they are a great way of expressing complex emotions and ideas that can be difficult to express through words as well as a way of bringing communities together.

What's your attitude to conflict?

I often find conflict to be scary, but recently I’ve been trying to embrace conflict as it is a natural and sometimes necessary part of relationships.

Did you come across anything specially interesting and/or useful when you were reading your resources - and if so, what was it?

‘Working Effectively with Especially Challenging Behaviours’ had some great examples of difficult conflicts one might find themselves in and what actions are often best taken when it can seem like there is no way out.

What are you happiest about in your designs?

I’m really happy with the feedback I got as it allowed me to greatly improve my work, I am very pleased with the colours in my designs.

Where can people see more of your work?

As of just now I don’t have anywhere I post my work, however I can always be contacted through my email:

Is there anything else you'd like to say?

This has been a great experience for me to meet some other fantastic artists and for us to share our work and learn from each other, thank you so much for including me in this process!

Many thanks!

Part of the Transition movement